Testimonials (following a six week Nordic Walking course with a group from the National Ankylosing Spondylitis Society)
“... I have benefited greatly from Nordic Walking. Since first trying Nordic walking I was amazed that firstly I could do it, seeing as I have very limited mobility in my back and neck and I have had five hip replacements in the last 33 years... I can now walk with the aid of the poles for three miles and on one occasion five miles without any ill effects. It has not only strengthened my legs but is very good for chest expansion. Most of all i can feel safer looking ahead instead of down at the ground which in turn has helped my posture, and if one thing is for sure, AS sufferers have problem with posture.” – Jean Convoy
“I can’t physically hold my back up when walking, I keep tipping forward. With the poles i can stand up and walk for longer without pain. I would never ‘just go for a walk’, but using the Nordic Poles I would, as it feels like its strengthening the muscles and is more comfortable.” – James Ferrari
“It made me very aware of my posture. It is low impact and I really noticed the difference when walking faster. I really felt the stretching exercises too. It was well paced and everyone felt they could do it.” – Donna Riggs (Physiotherapy rehabilitation assistant to the group)
Learning the technique of Nordic walking much improved my posture awareness and gave more confidence when walking. As body my legs and other joints are affected by painful inflammation, when using this new technique I am listening more to what my body is telling me. I am focussed more on the positive outcomes from Nordic walking, correct posture and regular exercises, rather than on the pain itself. The fact that the poles are supporting your body during the walk makes it much more pleasant and a less painful experience. Working in an office environment I have noticed a positive impact from Nordic walking on my joints after the fourth session, especially neck and shoulder areas, which is really amazing.” – Dariusz Bialek
When you are home alone, exercise can be a struggle to maintain, Nordic Walking could be a lifeline for making new friends and getting simple pain relief”. – James O’Brien
“I felt energised; it feels like its pulling everything together. It has made me more aware about my posture and moving my arms. I used to use the banister when I walked upstairs, but now I don’t, I just swing my arms. When I Nordic Walk I can walk quicker and it feels better than just a walk”. – Karen Hughes
“As well as feeling the physical benefits, I felt that it gave me energy and emotionally feel that it increases your ability ‘to get on with things’.” – Gillian Brooks
“For me it opened up my chest and improved my posture. I felt like i was being pulled more upright and it felt like you were breathing better. It s a wonderful idea that mergers the social aspect with exercise and people get swept up with it and then suddenly realised they’ve climbed a mountain!” – John Shillabeer
“I found that even though i do walk quite a lot I stay on even, flat ground. With Nordic walking I was confident to walk up hills and take longer strides. I felt my stamina increase over the weeks and my pace got a lot quicker as well as toning up the legs. The poles definitely helped my balance too.” – Bridget Hellard
“I benefited from learning to pay attention regards to general walking action. These skills transfer to everyday mobility.” – Mark Ham
“It improves posture and flexibility and is very sociable. It is great to be outdoors and you can go at your own pace. The next day you know you have done some exercise, but it’s not painful.” – Andrea Bradshaw